Affectionate World

In contemporary society, many young Chinese Singaporeans perceive Chinese culture and its values as dull or outdated. As part of the younger generation, I aim to increase awareness and generate interest by producing illustrations and motion graphics depicting a series of songs penned by Hong Kong philosopher Professor Huo Taohui, which celebrate the richness of Chinese culture and character development.

Who Will Care
for Tomorrow

In the past, I found myself deeply affected by the terrible events occurring in the world, even though I wasn't directly involved. The sense of hopelessness stemming from an inability to offer aid left me feeling profoundly useless and powerless.

However, with age comes wisdom, and I've come to realize that there will inevitably be situations where lending assistance is beyond our capabilities. Rather than fixating solely on external issues, it's essential to focus inwardly, acknowledging our own shortcomings and striving to better ourselves before extending help to others.

Eternal Secret

In the past, I believed that various reasons always constrained my "freedom," but as I matured, I came to understand that it was my own emotional burdens that restricted my ability to think freely. When I shifted my focus away from myself, I experienced the essence of "true freedom."

True freedom arises from our acts of giving and contributing rather than constantly seeking or receiving. Similar to how the Earth consistently provides, by learning to appreciate and marvel at the beauty of nature and humanity, my heart and soul have attained unparalleled liberation.

Everlasting Love

The stars, the Moon, and the World serve as the focal points of the song. Although these celestial bodies are common sights in our daily lives, the stars that hold a special place in my memory are those I beheld during a nighttime stroll with two dear friends and our teacher on a camping expedition to Guangzhou. As for the Moon, the one etched in my mind is the one I gaze upon alongside my mother; its soothing radiance aids in my peaceful slumber each night.


NOCAP Coffee - Branding


Garbage Hero - Illustration, Game Concept