Inspired by personal experiences of family and individual disharmony, 和MONY seeks to resonate with young Singaporeans by highlighting the richness of diversity within harmony. Through visual explorations, historical analysis of Confucianist notions of harmony, as well as interviews and surveys, this project aims to uncover contemporary perceptions and definitions of harmony among youth, while acknowledging and celebrating the unique differences that contribute to its essence.

Harmony Through Disharmony

Time to time, I faced inner discord, even during the progress of this project. However, within those phases of disharmony, I rediscovered my equilibrium through immersion in nature and by illustrating Chinese poems that echoed my sentiments and were intertwined with natural themes. However, the aspect of this journey that I found particularly enriching and valuable was the essence conveyed by these poets; through their verses, I felt their unity with nature and self. When there seems to be no way out, rather than succumbing to discouragement, we can afford ourselves moments to simply be within that experience or seek solace in other pursuits. Who would have thought that harmony can be found through disharmony?

Harmony of Differences

Presented on a six-meter scroll, this collection exhibits a diverse array of harmony, drawn from an online survey I conducted that garnered approximately 80 responses; some of these insights can be seen beneath the illustration. While harmony is commonly associated with peace or tranquility, it can also be elusive for some, and may even manifest amidst stress or circumstances typically perceived as discordant. [Harmony of Differences] delves into these distinctions, recognizing the unique differences that contribute to the essence of harmony.

Harmony of the Present

As the objective of this project is to uncover contemporary perspectives and understandings of harmony among young individuals, [Harmony of the Present] utilizes two pedestals and both sides of a board to create a platform for individuals to illustrate or articulate their personal notions of harmony. This initiative offers a chance for participants to observe and interpret various depictions of harmony, underscoring the idea that harmony encompasses diverse perspectives. Despite the varied colors of the cards used for writing, they are all affixed onto the same boards, symbolizing the possibility of coexistence amidst differences.


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